Walnut - Treatment of many health problems


Table of contents:

  • Overview
  • Walnuts nutrition facts
  • Walnut benefits for hair and skin
  • Walnut for treatment of sleep deprivation
  • Walnut for cardiovascular health
  • Walnut for weight loss
  • Walnut for cancer prevention
  • Walnuts for prevention of diabetes
  • Walnuts for brain

Overview :

Walnuts are a great winter gift. It holds a unique place in the dried fruits. It is not only delicious in taste but also has great health benefits. It not only restores our health but also protects us from many different diseases. The ingredients included in the walnut are vital for bone strengthening and growth. 

According to a survey, China is the largest nut producing country in the world. Currently around 2.5 million tonnes of walnuts are being produced worldwide. Out of which sixteen million metric tonnes of walnut is produced only in China. Walnut trees are abundant in Balochistan, Swat, Murree and in independent numbers in Pakistan. In addition, India, Turkey, Iran, Romania, the United States, France, Ukraine, Mexico, and Chile are also among the nut producing countries. 

Walnuts nutrition facts :

An ounce walnut contains 0.82 mg of iron, 28 mg of potassium, 0.4 mg of vitamin C, as well as protein, zinc, sodium selenium, fiber, magnesium, copper, and other ingredients. 

Here we show you some of the health benefits of walnuts that very few people know about. 

1) Walnut benefits for hair and skin : 

The use of walnuts keeps the hair healthy. It contains high amounts of vitamin B, magnesium, and antioxidants that keep the skin healthy as well. Recent research has shown that the continued use of walnuts can protect against hair-related problems such as premature hair loss and dryness. In fact the first time the hair is white, there is a lack of copper in the body.  Walnut contains an element called melanin which prevents the hair from becoming premature white. While the vitamins E and HYDON contained in it help maintain the natural color of the hair for a longer period of time. If you want your hair to be strong, dense and shiny, without the risk of itching, and even prematurely white, include walnuts in your diet. If not, eat at least two walnuts a week.


2) Walnut for treatment of sleep deprivation:

Many people complain of lack of sleep. Victims use a variety of medications and supplements but are not cured. Such people should try walnuts. Walnuts contain omega-3 fatty acids, which help our nervous system to calm down. In addition, the maltone ingredient in walnuts is also very useful for sleep. People who eat walnuts regularly do not complain of lack of sleep. Modern research has also proven that people who eat walnuts always sleep deeply.

3) Walnut for cardiovascular health : 

Cholesterol is the leading cause of heart disease and walnuts are a major enemy of cholesterol. Omega-3 fatty acids in walnuts not only improve blood circulation but also helps lower the harmful cholesterol levels. It also increases the amount of cholesterol that is most beneficial to our heart. People who complain of excessive blood cholesterol uptake should use walnuts. Medical experts say eating 30 grams of walnut daily improves cholesterol levels. Daily use of walnuts also empowers the body to withstand high blood pressure.  

4) Walnut for weight loss : 

Fat is the main cause of weight gain. If you want to lose weight, you should eat walnuts. According to one study, the addition of walnuts to your diet increases the feeling of stomach fullness and possibly the prevention of weight gain. Another study suggests that people who prefer walnuts as a sweetener, the fat accumulates in their belly dissolves faster and reduces waist thickness.

5) Walnut for cancer prevention : 

Walnuts can cure cancer naturally.  It contains antioxidants that prevent cancer cells from accumulating.  Walnuts are considered to be the most beneficial in breast cancer prevention. In addition, it prevents the tumor from forming. 

6) Walnuts for prevention of diabetes : 

According to a study, people who eat 28 grams of walnuts at least twice a week have a 24 percent lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Walnut is best for diabetics, which helps to keep blood glucose levels normal. 

7) Walnuts for brain :

Walnut-containing omega-3 fatty acids are a type of fat that is also useful to the brain. It increases the ability to fight depression. Omega-3 fatty acids also help our nervous system and brain calm down.
